Closed Pleural Biopsy

Closed Pleural Biopsy

Closed Pleural Biopsy is a procedure in which a small biopsy of abnormal pleura is removed from the lungs. The pleural lung covering is a thin layer of tissue that envelopes the outside of the lungs and lines the inside of the chest cavity. A closed pleural biopsy allows the physician to target the cause of the abnormal pleura or accumulation of pleural effusion.

Reasons for a Closed Pleural Biopsy

  • Closed pleural biopsy allows the physician to diagnose the cause of abnormal pleura. Infections, mesothelioma, cancers, and other inflammatory diseases may cause this abnormal or thickened pleura to occur.

Benefits of a Closed Pleural Biopsy

  • Physicians are able to properly diagnose patients with pleural effusions or abnormal pleura after performing a closed pleural biopsy.
  • Larger amounts of tissue are able to be removed using this biopsy technique.